Sunday, April 10, 2011

Would you wear a white bikini?

So this is Dove's double page spread comprising of 'Real Women', women all shapes and sizes (sizes 8-16 to be precise). It is refreshing when you flip through the usual magazine filled of size nothings who make you want to skip lunch for the day, and suddenly see this - a bunch of real sized women! Bravo Dove.

However, we do notice something glaringly unreal, while conceding Dove wanted to use white for their campaign.......Real women probably wouldn't choose white bikinis. What do you think?

Best Wishes,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. None of the girls on the front cover looked to be size 16s to me. I am a size 14-16 and definitely would not wear a bikini and definitely not white!!

  3. We had a good stare at this poster after your comments, and realised that all of these girls are incredibly fit! It good to promote a healthy lifestyle in magazines - but we all know the 'real' girl doesn't have time to attend a pump class before work every morning!

